Lesbiana Turquía Citas solteras - Baskoy 07430, Antalya - victoria23

victoria23 tiene 32 años, mujer solo de Arabia Saudí y vive en Baskoy, Turquía.
victoria23 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Baskoy - Turquía
Life is too short to think and worry about yesterday. Let go and move on. It's never too late to fall in love again. With that said, Is there a man here that will open he's heart and feel the sincerity of a woman who is seeking a lifelong soulmate and best friend? It means looking beyond age and physical appearance. I am a handsome woman by any means but what I lack in looks I more than make up for it in honesty, respect and heart. I am a dedicated man who wants to spend the rest of eternity wi
Lo que espero del otro
Life is too short to think and worry about yesterday. Let go and move on. It's never too late to fall in love again. With that said, Is there a man here that will open he's heart and feel the sincerity of a woman who is seeking a lifelong soulmate and best friend? It means looking beyond age and physical appearance. I am a handsome woman by any means but what I lack in looks I more than make up for it in honesty, respect and heart. I am a dedicated man who wants to spend the rest of eternity wi

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