Estados Unidos Citas solteras - Canoga Park, California - nicole4040

nicole4040 tiene 29 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Canoga Park, Estados Unidos.
nicole4040 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Canoga Park - Estados Unidos
In my childhood, I dreamed of becoming a good person and I believe I am. I always wanted to help people. I wanted to become a volunteer, to own animal shelter, to rule kids summer camp, or to become a nurse. But I am totally happy now with what I am. I am a military woman a lady, who is very tired of being alone. I need to find my gentleman, and this is why I am here. I don`t mind and even wanted to find foreigner and maybe change my life completely, I am ready for taking the effort and for Chan
Lo que espero del otro
I am looking for a man who is romantic, who has confidence in himself, age It is not a problem for me, who likes to enjoy life, the little things in life, who wants to take my hand and walk on the beach, enjoy mutual company, like cooking and dining as a couple who likes to laugh, who is a passionate lover. and do not be afraid of commitments, to show friends and family, I would like a man who likes nature, the simple things in life, a man who is not afraid to show his emotions, to hold my hand

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Hemos puesto a su disposición la posibilidad de bloquear a un miembro en cualquier momento, para reportarlo a la administración que hará su trabajo rápidamente.
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