Argelia Citas hombre soltero - Djelfa, 0 - imad93 musulmán

imad93 tiene 24 años, hombre solo de Argelia y vive en Djelfa, Argelia.
imad93 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Djelfa - Argelia
I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read, I like to write; I like to think, I like to dream; I like to talk, I like to listen. I like to see the sunrise in the morning, I like to see the moonlight at night;I like to smell the wind coming from the ocean. I like to look at the clouds in the sky with a blank mind, I like to do thought experiment when I cannot sleep in the middle of the night. rain in summer, leaves in autumn, and snow in winter. I like to sleep early, I like to get up late; I like to be alone, I like to be surrounded by people. I like delicious food and comfortable shoes; I like good books and romantic movies. I like the land and the nature, I like people. And, I like to laugh.
Lo que espero del otro
i want her to be Muslim woman because i'm Muslim honest loyal can take responsibility and take care me and her kids.

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